Short Resume

Hello, I am Mehmet Akif Cengiz. I completed my primary and secondary education in Ankara. I first encountered theater in Sakarya Sapanca, where I went for university education. After completing my education at Sapanca Art Theatre, I received Modeling training at Istanbul Fashion Academy in Nişantaşı. I am currently an active university student. The list of Higher Education Institutions where I studied is as follows.

Sakarya University Faculty of Tourism, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts

Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty, Social Media Management

Atatürk University, Open Education Faculty, Real Estate Management

In addition to my higher education, I attended trainings and seminars of many higher education institutions and received training in many different fields. Some of these universities are:

Istanbul University

Gedik University

Yeditepe University

Kırklareli University

TOBB University

ÇOMU University